Bilingualism Project 2021

 Bilinguism represents a challenge in our school, but we are working hard in order to improve the performance of our students in production and comprehension of English Language. We are also working to integrate different subjects along with English on the integrated learning guides which provide the content and the workshops for the production and improvement of students of the school in English as a Foreing Language.

Te following are samples of activities and evidence of the reading plan  project  intervencion 2021:

1.   Classics Greek Myths.

a.    The Minotaur. (Poster making)


                      Artist: Hary Sosa 11-4                       Artist: Alejandra Gutiérrez 11-3

For this assignment students were asked to read the famous Greek myth and make a poster about the story. These are some samples of that job. I must confess that I felt surprised by some works my students made using the resources they have available on internet.

2. Daedalo and Icarus. (Scenes Organization):

This workshop consisted of the application of a learning unit in which the students first watched the ancient Greek Myth video Daedalo and Icarus and then, they were able to organized the story by reading the dialogues on the scenes and cutting down the pictures of the story to organize and paste them in the correct order. Some of make mistakes but I have them figure out analyzing the situations according to the chronologic sequence of events and finally everybody did the job right.  We also discuss the need to obey parents´ orders and not to be capricious.


3.    Dioram Making based on a short story.

a.    Plato´s analogy of the cave

This assignment was the result of my ability to link the generative of the integrated learning guide which was about fake news.  I Find a very interesting story that was connected to the topic, and I decided to present in class and analyze its content to make students realize the relation of the story to what is happening now about the information, the truth and how media manage the content society can see.


4. Comic Mural Making about Peace
This activity was planned around the topic suggested by the Ethno educative project of the school.  We were supposed to commemorate the week for the peace in Colombia and students were asked to design and create a mural for each grade 11-3 and 11-4.   I thought it was a good change to create a story using comicsso I showed them a comic about Malala´s murder attempt, to see if they knew a similar story of a leader who defend the rights of the people and if they could present the tory in a comic.  I told my students the best comic will be posted on a Mural and One more time I was retrieved with the most outstanding jobs.

5. Covid 19 leaflets, ads and videos.

6. Leaflet making: A place to visit on Holiday 



7. Musical Instruments and Music Genre

8. Traditional food recipes.


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